Empowering Local Athletes: Nick Mendez’s Martial Arts Gear Donations Boosts Northwest Indiana Gyms

Can you think back to a time when you wanted to start a sport, hobby, or activity but didn’t have the financial means to? Many people face this challenge, and for some, it even means giving up on their dreams or never starting at all. Many of us are faced with rising costs all over the world, including in Northwest Indiana. 

That’s where one local combat sports athlete, Nicholas Mendez (Nick Mendez) started a donation campaign to help local athletes out this month in August 2024. Nick donated over $3,000 worth of hand wraps and boxing gloves to local Northwest Indiana martial arts gyms to help support local athletes who are starting out or can’t afford gear.

Impact of the Donation & More About the Donation

In martial arts like boxing, kickboxing, and MMA, protecting your hands is a major requirement for effective and safe training. Hand wraps prevent injuries such as fractures and sprains, allowing athletes to train confidently and intensely without worrying about injury. In addition, they absorb sweat, improving comfort and hygiene during training sessions. The safety importance of martial arts can’t be understated and to help athletes train safely, Nick was motivated to donate these hand wraps and boxing gloves.

“It isn’t just about the gear. It’s about supporting local athletes to focus on what matters most – their training”

– Nick Mendez

Nick donated approximately 210 hand wraps (including gel hand wraps and traditional hand wraps) distributing around 70 wraps to each of the three gyms. He also contributed fifteen pairs of boxing gloves. This ensures that many athletes can now train safely and focus on their performance without worrying about hand and wrist injuries or the financial strain that many combat sports athletes face.

The donation, including hand wraps and boxing gloves, amounts to over $3,000 in value. This contribution by Nick highlights his dedication to supporting local athletes and the development of the local martial arts community in Northwest Indiana. By providing top-notch equipment, Nick aims to eliminate financial barriers—since high-quality gear can be quite expensive—and empower more martial artists to start and pursue their passions. Many aspiring fighters are often deterred by the cost of essential gear, making this support even more impactful.

The unique financial challenges that athletes of all sports and ages experience are something Nick experienced from the time he was younger. His family didn’t have the financial capability to support his desire to train. Moved by the great improvements in his life training martial arts has caused, Nick wants to support those who are struggling to start or continue training martial arts.

“My family didn’t have the ability to support my dreams of training when I was younger. This is my way of showing appreciation for the sport and giving back to the community, helping those who can’t afford to train and get started.”

– Nick Mendez

DeMotte Boxing Club – DeMotte, IN

The DeMotte Boxing Club has been helping create athletes since September 2008. Besides teaching boxing skills, the club mentors local youth who need opportunities. It’s open on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings, offering a free first session to new members. People commend the club for its friendly environment and knowledgeable coaches. Nick Mendez donated martial arts gear here to help young athletes train better and grow personally.

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Premier Mixed Martial Arts LLC – Merrillville, IN

Premier Mixed Martial Arts LLC provides extensive training in Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, and Kickboxing for all levels starting from age 13. The academy, led by seasoned instructors affiliated with the Carlson Gracie Team, is a great training spot for people of all experiences and ages. They provide a welcoming environment where students can learn martial arts of all kinds, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, boxing, MMA, and judo. In addition, they offer two free trial classes to newcomers, great for people who are just starting out and want to see if the sport is for them. Nick’s support not only enhances training opportunities but also strengthens the bond within the gym, creating a shared sense of dedication and achievement among members.

AD 4nXeOLoy3wd1YRW3p7 6DcrOrYsRwKt239n6g90WtPNHnupSWydkt4SS7KR6R7dO2WH8uhAAsCe5wEiQ7Hu4qMa8gN3glQvyfk6SD20a5LVKmdXY6rbak9uSsdpFZF eVcMH5vc3b4S2aAwBpSHWGCJ8wDTyp?key=jOqX6o Cq7pNNoacQXkVGg - Nicholas Mendez (Nick Mendez)

Hammond Boxing Club Inc – Hammond, IN

Hammond Boxing Club is a nonprofit gym founded in 2008 by Dennis Hardesty and Jack Callahan, dedicated to promoting health and fitness through boxing. They offer a range of services, from amateur and professional boxing instruction to fitness boxing and training for individuals with Parkinson’s. Operating Monday through Friday from 4 PM to 8 PM, Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM, and Sunday from 9 AM to 5 PM, Hammond Boxing Club is committed to providing an accessible and supportive environment for anyone looking to get fit or build strength. Nick’s recent support helps to ensure that the gym’s members have the quality gear they need to pursue their fitness goals.

Impact of The Donation on the Local Northwest Indiana Community

Nick hopes the donation to local martial arts gyms in Northwest Indiana has a big impact on the community. His contribution supports athletes directly and makes quality training equipment more accessible for martial arts enthusiasts across the region. More athletes can now pursue their martial arts goals with the equipment they need.

Nick’s donation exemplifies how acts of generosity can create lasting positive impacts. Support for meaningful causes like this ensures that more individuals have access to opportunities to thrive in their own personal journeys. Nick’s advice when it comes to helping others is to support and empower your community, in any way you can. As the famous phrase goes, “A little of something goes a long way.”

Get to know more about Nicholas Mendez (Nick Mendez)AD 4nXdUasg5Z4u Y0bhXU 2ZoCwXURPgvMACGQe3RpXpKJLz113qXNkz9Cdl9mw PYFXi9kMqFxxfBYmqie2sgB21a94uMA98LulgNVzlbdYUv1vt2byLM9jvbwfAiBQqYdFl9zmg2Eqm4QTvoxZe Bbbg1KT8F?key=jOqX6o Cq7pNNoacQXkVGg - Nicholas Mendez (Nick Mendez)

Recognizing the common financial challenges many athletes face in accessing quality training equipment, Nicholas Mendez (Nick Mendez), a martial artist and a BJJ blue belt from a small town in Hebron, Indiana, understands firsthand the crucial demand for proper gear. With a background in wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and kickboxing, Nick knows the importance of the right equipment and setup ready for athletes to pursue their chosen sport.

Growing up with limited opportunities and resources to train when he was younger, Nick is proud to help others be able to train at any age, income level, or ability. Now, Nick is dedicated to helping others overcome similar challenges and build a supportive community through his contributions. His donation aims to support athletes and promote community within the martial arts world in Northwest Indiana. You can follow Nick’s journey at nickmendez.co.

Nick Mendez
Nick Mendez
Articles: 24